The International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) are delighted to announce International Data Week 2023: A Festival of Data, taking place on 23–26 October 2023, in Salzburg, Austria.
IDW 2023 will be hosted by the University of Salzburg through its Data Science and Geoinformatics departments, supported by the Governor of Salzburg and with assistance from the Austrian Academy of Sciences - GIScience and the European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information.
International Data Week brings together a global community of data scientists and data stewards; researchers from all domains; data, interoperability and informatics experts from all fields (including geoinformatics, bioinformatics, cheminformatics etc); industry leaders, entrepreneurs and policymakers.
This event will be an inclusive and celebratory Festival of Data, with in person and virtual components, highlighting the opportunities for the positive transformation of our world in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and other global challenges.
IDW 2023 will combine the RDA Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of this international member organization working to develop and support global infrastructure facilitating data sharing and reuse, and SciDataCon 2023, the scientific conference addressing the frontiers of data in research organized by CODATA and WDS.
FAIR-IMPACT at the event
FAIR-IMPACT will have a total of 2 lightning talks, on 26th October 09:30-11:00, during the session The role of research data repositories in open science and research data policy development, focused on PID Policies. The presentations will be given by CSC and DCC, both partners of FAIR-IMPACT.
FAIR-IMPACT organised one session related to metadata and ontologies, along with FAIRCORE4EOSC project and the EOSC Semantic Interoperability Task Force.
23rd October 09:30-11:00 SciDataCon session Building a semantic interoperability framework: towards FAIR mappings and crosswalks
This session will convene a global audience to address the theme Championing data beyond FAIR by answering to the following questions:
- Can we define types of mappings that are used to enable semantic interoperability?
- What are the requirements to make mappings Findable Accessible Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR)?
- What are examples of infrastructure components that can be used to realise an ecosystem to support machine-actionable mappings?
FAIR-IMPACT organised one session related to metadata and ontologies, along with FAIRCORE4EOSC project and the EOSC Semantic Interoperability Task Force.
A poster will also be presented, entitled "Transparency of Trust: guidelines for the discovery of
trustworthiness status for digital repositories", related to FAIR-IMPACT work on "FAIR data and code in FAIR-enabling TDRs". Mike Priddy (DANS) will be the presenter
25th October 11:30-13:00 RDA session Let’s talk about FAIR mappings! Towards common practices for sharing mappings and crosswalks
The main objective of this session is to bring together the participants of the various RDA IGs and WGs which worked or are working with mappings and crosswalks to discuss how the mappings should be made FAIR and to align the various practices. Through these discussions, we aim at identifying the various types of mappings, existing models to share them and to possibly converge toward the creation of a dedicated IG or WG which would federate the various IGs and WGs dealing with mappings.