FAIR-IMPACT Open calls for support

Supporting you on your FAIR-enabling journey

The availability of data that are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) lies at the heart of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vision. FAIR is not a binary concept and cannot be achieved by any single action or actor. Instead, FAIR is a shared journey involving several stakeholders over the entire research lifecycle.

Support to FAIR ImplementationResearchers play a key role in making their outputs FAIR. The organisations who employ them, the funding bodies that financially support and influence the way they work, the research support staff who assist them, and the range of infrastructures used to create, share and curate their outputs also play critical roles. To help foster a FAIR ecosystem, FAIR-IMPACT will support three key stakeholder groups - research performing organisations, repositories and data services providers, and national level initiatives - to begin or progress their FAIR-enabling journeys. Through our series of open calls, FAIR-IMPACT raises awareness and supports the uptake of existing and emerging tools, solutions and approaches that have been developed through recently completed and ongoing European Commission INFRAEOSC projects and international initiatives such as the Research Data Alliance.


FAIR-IMPACT provides three support routes to help you become more FAIR-enabling. 

Route 1: via support programmes providing guidance and one-to-one support 

Successful applicants to our support programmes will work with FAIR-IMPACT mentors and, in some cases, external experts to learn how to support the uptake of FAIR-enabling practices. This will include participation in a series of virtual workshops based on the FAIR Implementation Framework, assessed homework, and one-to-one support. These calls are suitable for those who are just getting started with supporting the FAIR Principles or are less advanced on their FAIR-enabling journey. Financial support is not provided but successful applicants will benefit from in kind support from FAIR-IMPACT mentors. There will be two open calls for participation in these support programmes over the life of the FAIR-IMPACT project. 

What we will provide: 
  • Practical advice and guidance on key FAIR-enabling topics. The support programmes for each stakeholder group will vary, but the thematic areas covered may include policies, persistent identifiers, data management planning, trustworthy repositories, provision of support and training, and handling other research outputs including software.
  • One-to-one support to undertake a supported self-assessment of current FAIR-enabling practices; develop a FAIR implementation action plan and devise an engagement strategy.
  • A key aim of the support programme is to foster knowledge exchange between peers, and there will be dedicated workshops to facilitate this.
  • The opportunity to promote their work via a published FAIR Implementation Story. 


Key dates Deadline for applications Notifications to applicants Start of support actions

The first Route 1 open call is now closed.  Learn more about the support programmes offered for this call

1 November 2023 early December 2023 late January 2024

The 2nd Route 1 open call for repositories & service providers is now closed. learn more about this support action

14 June 2024 mid July 2024 September 2024

The Second call for national-level initiatives is now closed. Learn more about this support action

14 July 2024 end of July 2024 September 2024


Route 2: via cascading grants to enable testing of specific tools, approaches and methods 

This route provides defined support actions where guidance and assistance are provided to successful applicants on implementing one or more tools and approaches. Successful applicants will receive financial support to enable their participation in a series of virtual, hands-on workshops. This support is suitable to those who are more advanced on their FAIR-enabling journey and ready to test specific tools and approaches. There will be three Route 2 open calls for participation in the defined support actions over the life of the FAIR-IMPACT project. 

What we will provide: 
  • A support package including virtual workshops, expert guidance and advice from FAIR-IMPACT project partners and resource providers to enable participants to implement the particular tool or approach. 
  • Financial support to enable participation, payable by invoice upon successful completion of the support action. The exact amount of financial support that will be provided will vary across the support actions as it is based on the number of days required to participate. In most cases, participation in support actions will require between 5-10 days of effort from participants spread over a 1-2 month period. Funds may be used solely for supporting staff time to carry out relevant support action activities (participating in the virtual webinars, carrying out homework, completing exit questionnaire and/or interview, etc.).
  • The opportunity to share their knowledge and learn from their peers through the virtual workshops.
  • The opportunity to promote their work via a published FAIR-IMPACT Implementation Story.


Key dates Deadline for applications Notification to applicants Start of support programmes

The first Route 2 open call is now closed. Learn more about this call and who was supported

1 June 2023 mid July 2023 September 2023

The second Route 2 open call is now closed. Learn more about this support action or Re-watch the 12th March virtual clinic

31 March 2024 mid May 2024 May/June 2024
The third Route 2 open call opens on 30 September 2024. Express your interest 30 November 2024 mid January 2025 February 2025 (tbc)


              Route 3: via our series of open FAIR Implementation Workshops 

              Our FAIR Implementation Workshop series aims to help three key stakeholders - Research performing Organisations, Repositories & Data Service Providers, and National Level Initiatives - to become familiar with FAIR-enabling tools, approaches, and methods.

              What we will provide:
              • Each workshop will provide an overview of a specific FAIR-enabling activity, share information on recent developments both from within FAIR-IMPACT and other initiatives as well as offer examples of good practice, practical tips, and recommendations.
              • Each workshop will last a maximum of 90 minutes and include plenty of time for questions and discussion.
              • Registration is free and open to all, and suggestions for future topics are welcome! 

              Check this page to see of list of upcoming workshops. Slides and recordings for past workshops are available from the event pages.


              For questions relating to the open calls, please read our FAQs

              For any other questions please contact opencalls[at]fair-impact.eu. To register your interest in the open calls and to receive updates as details of the support actions on offer are released, the dates of the promotional webinars on what each support action will provide and application deadlines, please enter your details at the bottom of this page.

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